Project Clean Dirt, a Model Site Alteration By-Law Project, is a joint endeavor by LCCW and OSRTF (The Ontario Soil Regulation Task Force).
Important Message!
The Municipal Act has been amended.
Bill 68 received royal assent on May 30th 2017 and is now law. Section 142(8) of the municipal act has been repealed, meaning that site alteration by-laws now apply in conservation authority regulated areas. We recommend Site-alteration By-Laws be updated to reflect this significant change.
Please note: OSRTF will be updating the By-Law documents to reflect this change shortly.
Please click on the link provided for more information. Project Clean Dirt Info Page
The following OSRTF Model By-Law documents (uploaded January 6, 2017) should be read together:
OSRTF-Document-1-Model Site Alteration By-Law for Ontario Municipalities
OSRTF-Document-2-Model Fill Management Plan for Large Scale Fill Receiving Sites
OSRTF-Document-3-Model Agreement for Large Scale Fill Receiving Sites
OSRTF-Document-4-Rationale Document